Lackeby Roto-Sieve Drum screens installed at Pollestre WWTP, France

Lackeby Roto-Sieve Drum screens installed at Pollestre WWTP, France

By the installation of the second Lackeby Roto-Sieve Drum screen RS 24, the Kubota membranes are now well protected for a long time ahead.

The function of the Lackeby Roto-Sieve Drum screen in this application, is to remove screenings from the wastewater to protect the sensitive membranes. Even though the upstream pre-treatment equipment consists of a mechanical bar screen with slot width 6,0 mm, the drum screens still removes approximately 10 tons of screenings per year, which has a significant impact of the membrane’s life span.

We are of course very proud for the continuous trust, to serve and protect the plant and especially by delivering Lackeby Roto-Sieve No. 5000 and 5001 for this noble cause.

Some projects are more special than others

Like this one, a couple of months ago when we had the pleasure of delivering two Lackeby Roto-Sieve Drum screens RS 24 to Pollestre WWTP in the south of France. The wastewater treatment plant serves about 10 000 people and were replacing their Kubota membranes after 10 years of use. Even though their existing Roto-Sieves has a predicted lifetime of over 20 years, they were replaced as well due to local regulations.

The function of the Lackeby Roto-Sieve Drum screen in this application, is to remove screenings from the wastewater to protect the sensitive membranes. The drum screens remove approximately 10 tons of screenings per year, which has a significant impact of the membrane’s life span.

We are of course very proud to be trusted to continue to serve and protect the plant and especially by delivering Lackeby Roto-Sieve No. 5000 and 5001 for this noble cause. NB! The picture was taken before No. 5001 was installed.

Another milestone in the success story of the Lackeby Roto-Sieve Drum screen is achived!